World in your Kitchen Calendar 2023
The Women of the World Calendar features 12 women of colour who are rewriting the rules. At a time when women are grabbing the spotlight, it's also the moment for a calendar that inspires the current and next generation of women who go against the grain and challenge the status quo. Women featured in the 2023 calendar include;
Ayisha Siddiqa Climate justice advocate, co-founder of Polluters Out
Dominique Drakeford Environmental educator
Dr Somi Igbene Nutritionist
Ev'Yan Whitney Sexuality doula/educator
Helen Zia Journalist & LGBT activist
Joana Choumali Photographer
Megan Jayne Crabbe Body positivity activist
Rupi Kaur Poet
Shash Appan Trans/race activist and co-founder of Trans Aid Cymru
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