A pocket book on the art of meditation from world renowned spiritual thinker J. Krishnamurti. Meditation is freeing the mind from the known
In this inspiring collection of quotations, world renowned spiritual thinker J. Krishnamurti offers an insightful guide to the art of meditation and why it is important in helping us all face the challenges of modern life.
A pocket book on the art of meditation from world renowned spiritual thinker J. Krishnamurti. Meditation is freeing the mind from the known
In this inspiring collection of quotations, world renowned spiritual thinker J. Krishnamurti offers an insightful guide to the art of meditation and why it is important in helping us all face the challenges of modern life.
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Highly anticipated follow-up to bestselling title The Photographer's PlaybookAn inspirational collection of musings by the world's most talented photographersPhoto No-Nos: Meditations on...
A fresh, modern re-imagining of the essential Osho meditation text For decades Meditation: The First and Last Freedom has been the essential guide to meditation and Osho...