FUN, COLOURFUL ILLUSTRATIONS of the characters, places and objects important to super-sleuth Sherlock Holmes appear on every single card LEARN MORE ABOUT HOLMES in the accompanying...
The Puzzling Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Ten New Cases for You to Crack by Tim Dedopulos brings a fresh collection of mysteries straight to the heart of Holmes enthusiasts. This captivating...
Spiritual trailblazer Dr. David Hawkins offers practical advice for readers to reach advanced states of consciousness in their everyday lives, so that they can enjoy being in the world, but not of it...
This book teaches kids about the importance of diversity of plants, animals, and environments, and how to protect these wonderful and crucial elements of our world The nature in our world is...
An essential gift for every history buff, this boldly illustrated book maps out the events that have shaped our world - from the dawn of human civilization to the present day. A comprehensive and...
A 1000-PIECE PUZZLE inspired by the life and works of the Bronte family. The perfect challenge for book lovers - or anyone who loves a good jigsaw. ALL YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS can be found hidden...