The Untold Story of Jesus
The Untold Story of Jesus
The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore Kindle-Deepak Chopra 2008 Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His-Sarah Young 2013 In the Footsteps of Jesus: A Chronicle of His Life and the Origins of Christianity-Jean-Pierre Isbouts, 2017 The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe Hardcover-Richard Rohr, 2019
Jesus comes to life in this fascinating modern biography excerpted from The Urantia Book. Many of these historical stories are familiar to readers of the New Testament but dozens are new, including the missing years not found in the Bible. Here you discover Jesus presented as never before, both as divine Son and human hero whose matchless life inspires, comforts, and transforms you.
It is beautifully written in modern, page-turning prose and complemented with 106 paintings from 35 renowned artists, including 42 originally commissioned works. The artwork and narrative celebrates his diverse life as son, father-brother, carpenter, boatbuilder, tutor, translator, caravan conductor, teacher, healer, minister, and friend.
This impeccably designed book provides relevant and empowering spiritual insights, helping you navigate the challenging yet promising conditions of the 21st century. We live in an exciting era of unprecedented improvements in our material lives brought about by scientific, industrial, and social achievements. Yet despite all this progress, many souls feel lonely and displaced. We need God and have an innate thirst for spiritual answers because of that "still, small voice" that lives within us. Finding God by living the personal religion of Jesus satisfies that thirst.
The Untold Story of Jesus reveals the living Christ to members of the church that bears his name, as well as to worshipers of all world religions. It is sure to become a favorite volume for all who seek God.