Anyone who has spent even a little time outdoors has come across strange tracks left by animals or people and wondered, "What was here?" In this practical guide, former-SAS member Bob Carss shows how to track any moving thing, in any environment, and under nearly any circumstance. He begins by explaining common terms, such as a "top sign", markings left above ankle height; "pointers", signs that tell the general direction of the quarry; and a "conclusive sign," markings that confirm the quarry's presence. The difference between tracks left by quarry and false tracks are described, as well as how a pattern of signs builds into the tracking picture - the overall movement, direction, and motivation of the quarry. Included are tips on: *Tracking in desert, forest, jungle, marsh, and grassy areas *Interpreting animal, human, and vehicle signs *How to preserve night vision *Using time frames to eliminate misleading signs *Detecting quarry when they backtrack or circle around *How time and weather affect signs *How to spot intentionally misleading signs The SAS Guide to Tracking is a remarkable guide to developing a new awareness of the outdoors and is the perfect companion for naturalists, outdoorspeople, hunters, wildlife photographers, search-and-rescue teams, and law enforcement.