Ninja Boy's Secret
Ninjutsu is the most renowned and misunderstood of all martial arts. The long history of ninjutstu is often murky; surrounded by mystery and legend. Here, for the first time, is an in-depth, factual look at the entire art of ninjutsu, including emergence of the ninja warriors and philosophy in feudal Japan; detailed historical events; its context in the development of other schools of martial arts; and the philosophies and exercises of the school today. Based on more than ten years of study and translation of authentic Japanese texts, including many that have never before been translated, this is the most comprehensive and accurate study on the art of ninjutsu ever written outside of Japan. This ninja book includes studies of ninjutsu history, philosophy, wisdom, and presents a wide range of information from authors, historians, chronicles and scrolls in order to foster a deep understanding of this "shadowy" art.
"This insightful book is filled with obscure and documented details about Ninjutsu, as well as Dr. Zoughari's thoughts and fascinating analysis on the subject. The later chapters, of the secrets texts of Ninjutsu were fascinating. For me, understanding how these warriors fit into the Japanese warfare model was an enlightening read. This book is for both history and martial arts lovers alike." -Zohar Laor, Man of la Book
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