The Modernized Arkhangelsk Variation
The Modernized Arkhangelsk Variation
The Ark has always been consideredone of the theoretically-heaviest defenses in meeting the Ruy Lopez, thoughalso the most exciting and definitely the most beautiful of all.
It requirestactical vision, good calculation and memory, but not just from us from the Whiteside too. Let's not forget that! I also must say that no good lines are absentof theory, so if we've decided to learn something "finally", I argue that itcan very well be an ambitious, double-edged line too! :-)I should also mention that thisbook is a complete Black repertoire starting from 3. Bb5 a6, the exchange variation being the first chapter. Thepublisher and me agreed on offering a full package, one that should proveuseful for many years to come!