The Difference Identity Makes
The Difference Identity Makes
Through the struggles of Indigenous Australians for recognitionand self-determination it has become common sense tounderstand Australia as made up of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and things. But in what ways is the Indigenous on-Indigenous distinction being used and understood? In The Difference Identity Makes, thirteen Indigenous and non-Indigenousacademics examine how this distinction structures the work ofcultural production and how Indigenous producers and their worksare recognised and valued.
The editors introduce this innovative collection of essays with a path-finding argument that 'Indigenous cultural capital' nowchallenges all Australians to re-position themselves within arevised scale of values. Each chapter looks at one of five fields of Australian cultural production: sport, television, heritage,visual arts and music, revealing that in each the Indigenous on-Indigenous distinction has effects that are specific.
This brings new depth and richness to our understanding of what'Indigeneity' can mean in contemporary Australia. In demonstratingthe variety of ways that 'the Indigenous' is made visible and valuedthe essays provide a powerful alternative to the 'deficit' theme thathas continued to haunt the representation of Indigeneity.