Why does God heal some and not others? When caring for a seriously ill parent, spouse or child, when is it appropriate to pray for healing and when is it time to simply accept things as they are? These questions circled in Jean Sullivan's mind when faced with two separate health crises in her family. Jean was a mother of six children when her husband was diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, at the age of 40. She prayed for his healing, as did many of their friends and family, and even made a vow to God just as Hannah did in the Old Testament. A short time later, Jean's three-year-old daughter suffered a hypoxic brain injury from undiagnosed Addison's Disease. Through the long hospital stays and the fears of not knowing how much her daughter would recover, Jean navigated through the medical systems with the help of friends in the medical field and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. "The Days Planned for Me" is a story of faith in the face of chronic illness and severe disability. It is a story of caregiving, advocating, and ultimately, surrendering to the God whose ways are higher than our own.