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The Accidental Entrepreneur
Surveys show that 60% of people wish they owned their own business, but 90% never even try. 40% say the reason for not starting is they simply don't know how. The Accidental Entrepreneur" is to provide a fast track to financial freedom and learn vicariously how to skip the trials, tribulations, and risks he endured with dozens of acquisitions and several investments.
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360 Pages
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The Accidental Entrepreneur
A sequel to "Finding the Angle", author and successful entrepreneur James P. Shanahan shares how he transitioned from working for wages to building a family partnership with his four sons. To help readers gain ground quickly, he details how he and the family partnership found solutions and fine-tuned their company acquisitions. The stories of these acquisitions, as well as the information in the business essays can be useful to students, first-time entrepreneurs, management, and business leaders who are seeking to improve current free cash flows. Shanahan's evolution to Wisdom will educate and entertain you.
Education + Learning on the Job + Experience = Knowledge + Pain = WISDOM
Education + Learning on the Job + Experience = Knowledge + Pain = WISDOM