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Norman Lindsay's timeless classic follows the adventures of debonair young koala Bunyip Bluegum, sailor Bill Barnacle and penguin Sam Sawnoff - owners of the much-desired Magic Puddin' Albert - who try to outwit Possum and Wombat, the professional, and ex
640 Pages
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he second book in Ransome's Swallows and Amazons series. For every child who understands the thrill of fishing, campfires and the freedom to explore 'Ahoy! Ahoy! Swallows! Ahoy!' Have you ever sailed in a boat or built a camp? Have you caught trout and cooked it yourself? The four Swallows, John, Susan, Titty and Roger return to the lake full of such plans and they can't wait to meet up with Nancy and Peggy, the Amazon Pirates. When the Swallow is shipwrecked and the Amazon's fearsome Great-Aunt makes decides to make a visit their summer seems ruined. Then they discover a wonderful hidden valley and things take a turn for the better... BACKSTORY- Discover the real Swallowdale, swot up on seafaring and learn all about the adventurous author.