Gripping, thought-provoking and deeply rewarding, 12 Rules for Life offers an antidote to the chaos in our lives: eternal truths applied to our modern problems. Jordan Peterson's work as a...
The world has changed and new rules are required. More Rules for Life is the perfect companion to Kitty Flanagan's bestselling 488 Rules for Life. More Rules for Life is the...
Yoga for Real Life is one of the most successful yoga books of the past decade. Maya Fiennes has done for yoga what Nigella Lawson did for food. Maya Fiennes believes passionately that yoga can be...
A fun and sassy no-nonsense invitation to the practice of astrology with easy-to-understand tools for self-development and conscious living. Astrology books are typically either overly simplistic...
488 Rules for Life is Kitty Flanagan's way of making the world a more pleasant place to live. Providing you with the antidote to every annoying little thing, these rules are not made to be...
A poignant and unpredictable debut from an exciting new literary talent. Shortlisted for both The Richell Prize for Emerging Writers and the Victorian Premier's Award for an Unpublished Manuscript...
Clean Paleo Real Life includes 100 healthy clean Paleo-inspired recipes written by popular blogger Monica Le of The Movement Menu. Love your whole food Paleo elimination diet but...