Rainy Days

Rainy Days
Sunnyrain sparkling showers
Waterfor our trees and flowers
Forpreschoolers, rainy weather is full of possibility. A puddle in the back yardis just waiting for a stomp in rubber rain boots. A light drizzle is perfectfor a search-and-rescue mission for worms and snails. And watching a heavyrainfall makes sitting inside with a warm bowl of soup all the cozier.
In RainyDays, author Deborah Kerbel once again captures the magic of earlychildhood awe and wonder with rhyming couplets that celebrate every kind ofrainy-day activity. Illustrator Miki Sato's unique tactile collage art nearlyrises from the page with fascinating features made from paper, felt, andembroidery silk. A final page includes enriching STEM activities inquisitivelittle ones. Rainy Days is the fourth book in the Weather Dayscollection that includes the critically-acclaimed titles Snow Days, SunnyDays, and Windy Days.