sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added The Purpose-Guided Universe In this engrossing new book, Dr. Bernard Haisch contends that there is a purpose and an underlying intelligence behind the Universe, one that is consistent with modern science, especially the Big Bang and evolution. It is based on recent discoveries that... RRP: $29.99 $29.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added Green Gospel An evocative investigation of ecotheology's first principles, Green Gospel will serve as antidote to the spiritual devastations of the climate crisis. As climate change continues to ravage our planetary home, deepening the divide between Earth and her... RRP: $39.99 $39.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added The Miracle of Our Universe 'A fascinating, comprehensive, and accessible exploration of life's most fundamental questions. If you're wondering who we are and why we're here, this book is a great place to start.' - Mark Gober, award-winning author ofAn End to... RRP: $34.99 $34.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added Lemuria IsLemuria a real place or the fever dream ofcrackpots, mystics, conspiracy theorists, and Bigfoot hunters?Below the waters where the Pacific and Indian Oceans lies alost continent. One of hopes and dreams that housed a race of beings thatarrived from... RRP: $44.99 $44.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added The Spiritual Purpose of the Physical Universe Science seeks to explain the laws of the physical universe by following a logical, repeatable method to verify and correct its observations and theories. Religion seeks to understand the spiritual relationship between man and God, the nature of the soul,... RRP: $47.99 $47.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added 101 Proofs for God The vast majority of people in this country say they believe in God. But why? Can they prove it or is it just a "feeling"? This book will help.A lot of very smart people are convinced that we descended from monkeys, and long before that it was amoebas... RRP: $34.99 $34.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added Indra's Net In this clear, engaging book, Robin Robertson draws parallels between alchemy and chaos theory and shows how to apply them to our inner development. He is not proposing they replace traditional spiritual paths, but rather that they reflect deep... RRP: $29.99 $29.00 Add to Cart The item has been added