sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added Time Travel Fact or fiction? Real or impossible? Movement through time explored, examined and explained!Albert Einstein's theory of relativity postulates, and scientists have proven, that the faster you travel, the slower time moves. Clocks on airplanes, satellites... RRP: $29.99 $29.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added The Science of Time Travel Science fiction is the perfect window into the possibilities and perils of time travel. What would happen if you went back in time and killed your own grandparent? If you knew how to stop a presidential assassination, would time travel allow you to make... RRP: $26.99 $26.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added The Yoga of Time Travel Time travel is not just science fiction; it may actually be possible. Wolf draws on yoga and quantum physics to show that time is a flexible projection of mind. Cheating time, he says, is an ancient metaphysical idea from the Vedas having to do with... RRP: $32.99 $32.00 Add to Cart The item has been added