sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added The Power to Destroy The postwar United States enjoyed large, widely distributed economic rewards - and most Americans accepted that taxes were a reasonable price to pay for living in a society of shared prosperity. Then in 1978 California enacted Proposition 13, a property... RRP: $49.99 $48.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added Rebellion, Rascals, and Revenue Governments have always struggled to tax in ways that are effective and tolerably fair. Sometimes they fail grotesquely, as when, in 1898, the British ignited a rebellion in Sierra Leone by imposing a tax on huts- and, in repressing it, ended up burning... RRP: $44.99 $44.00 Add to Cart The item has been added
sale Add Wish List Add to Cart The item has been added What's the Matter with Delaware? How the 'First State' has enabled international crime, sheltered tax dodgers, and diverted hard-earned dollars from the rest of us.The legal home to over a million companies, Delaware has more registered businesses than residents. Why... RRP: $49.99 $48.00 Add to Cart The item has been added