Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and...
A charming rhyming story with an uplifting message about a fairy called Betty who never quite seems to get things right. Poor Betty! She's always getting into messy muddles. She can't paint a...
Healing with the Fairies is Doreen's very personal story of how the fairies helped her deal with a divorce and prepare for a spiritually-based relationship. In this truly inspired book, you'll see...
Fairy Tales is an erotic folklore of short stories shot by Petra Collins starring Alexa Demie. The pair created the concept and text collaboratively. Alexa portrays nine characters that embody...
The fairies wish for everyone to experience their ancient wisdom and feel connected to the Earth. They are the guardians of nature, magical manifestors-they wish only to create beautiful blessings in...
Call upon the fairies to grant your wishes with this magical oracle from renowned fairy expert Karen Kay To many humans, the fairy realm remains unseen. And yet all around us, kind and bountiful...
Share and enjoy all of the Grimm Brothers' best works in The Essential Grimm's Fairy Tales, now designed in a beautiful, jacketed hardcover format. The Essential Grimm's Fairy...
17-year-old Lucy is an attractive mage-in-training who wants to join a magician's guild so that she can become a full-fledged magician. The guild she dreams about joining is the most famous in the...