In Chakra Crystals, Kate Tomas, one of the world's leading crystal therapists, presents her remarkable meditation-based healing techniques for personal empowerment. Working with a particular crystal...
This comprehensive guide explains how crystals can be used to bring well-being to all areas of life. It shows how to choose, cleanse, and explore the properties of different crystals. There are...
Keep your dog healthy, happy and contented by ensuring their chakras are balanced through massage, crystal work, color therapy and other healing modalities. Does your dog seem stressed or out...
This essential guide provides in-depth summaries about each chakra, followed by expert advice from Roberta Vernon on how to identify and restore blocked, weak, or closed chakras through common...
Crystals have been used as a complementary therapy to combat both physical and emotional ailments for centuries; their unique vibrational resonances able to restore balance to the body’s energy...
More than 50 exercises and practices to unblock and strengthen your chakras so you can achieve health and prosperity on the go. Bringing your chakras into balance doesn't need to be complicated. A...
Auras are the storybook of your soul. They reflect your personal vibration, intentions, and manifestations as well as hold energy from other people and the environment. Most teachings portray auras...
A Fact-Based Introduction to Crystal Healing Whether you’re new to the practice of crystal healing or have a level of experience with it, chances are you have questions: What works? What...