M. Stanton Evans
M. Stanton Evans
M. Stanton Evans (d. 2015) was one of the unsung heroes and key figures of the modern conservativemovement, offering a model to be remembered and emulated in both thought and deed. A person ofextraordinary breadth, he combined the roles of journalist, first-rank thinker, and political action, often at the center of crucial events for the conservative movement from the mid-1950s to his last decade in the 2010s. He was the principal author of the Sharon Statement, the founding document of YoungAmericans for Freedom. Evans was also a mentor to an entire generation of conservative writers andjournalists, including Ann Coulter, John Fund, Martin Morse Wooster, Tim Carney, RichardMiniter, WilliamMcGurn, and this author.
Evans was libertarian in economics and policy, traditionalist in moral and social matters, respectful ofreligion, and resolutely anti-Communist. Over the years he wrotea number ofelegant articles and onebook (The Theme is Freedom) that reconciled many of the strains that often appear between thesediffering schools of conservative thought. He also wrote a controversial defense of Joseph McCarthy(Blacklisted by History), which is one of many examples of his fearlessness in contesting theconventional wisdom.
Beyond his professional profile, Stan was also known for his ironic dry wit, which only came out inperson, as well as his personal modesty and kindliness, and fondness for fast-food, sports, and classicrock and roll music trivia. He was "the conservative for the common man."