Hidden in the Overworld
Hidden in the Overworld
Age Range: 7 to 12
Noah and Violet are busy rebuilding their town when the Ender Dragon flies above the village streets. Thefollowing day the Wither attacks them. As the town battles these harsh hostile mobs, Noah and Violet, with theirgood friends Hannah and Ben, set out to search for Daniel, whom they suspect is behind these vicious attacks.As they search for the griefers, they find clues leading them to believe the griefers haven't disappeared but areactually planning a master attack. Instead of battling the griefers, the gang has to find head griefer Daniel and hisfriends before they stage their next attack. While battling strikes from Endermen, the Wither, and the EnderDragon, the group's journey to find the tricky griefers leads them to an unexpected place, where the griefershave been hiding. Upon discovering the griefer's hiding spot, a war ensues between Noah and Violet and theleague of griefers.Will Violet and Noah take down the league of griefers and survive all the mob attacks they face? Find out in thissecond installment in a new series for Minecrafters, the League of Griefers!