To flourish or not to flourish? That is the question. Are you flourishing enough to know that when your time on earth is finished it has all been worthwhile? Maximising your existence will seem incredibly appealing by the time you've finished reading. You will find yourself in this book, you will recognise the everyday human struggle. It will bring you through the darkest moments of the author's story of foster care, teenage homelessness and all the consequences of these experiences, into undeniable possibilities that promise to propel and uplift you. Reading 'A Flourishing Mind' is freeing, as it leaves no place to hide. You cannot read this book and not face your own innermost feelings. This real, confronting and surprising personal account will uncover what it takes to move through the harder times and ask you to consider being the person you deserve to be. As you wind your way through the pages of this raw, inspirational story you will start to uncover what it takes to confidently and purposefully live your life ON purpose. If you let it, it will change your life.