ÔFinding KylieÕ tells the brave story of a young girl born into to a world of poverty, abuse, violence, neglect, mental illness and alcoholism who, after enduring an abortion at the age of 18 Ð her personal Ôstraw that broke the camelÕs backÕ, set out alone to walk home, a long journey back to Cairns, Northern Queensland ... and along the way, fought hard to lose all trace of her familiar self and, in the process, found her true self. After telling her own Ôheartache to heroineÕ story, Kylie StrettonÕs book then spells out the 7 Action Steps she personally took to heal her life; the 7 powerful yet achievable Action Steps you can also take toward ÔFinding YouÕ: - Responsibility - Forgiveness - Self-Love and Acceptance - Being Thankful - Healing the Emotions - Changing Your Thinking - Taking Action and Moving Forward