Since its first release in 1984, Simpson & Day's Field Guide to the Birds of Australia has established itself as a premier reference for bird enthusiasts in Australia. This guide stands out for its comprehensive coverage and authoritative content, making it a top choice among Australian birders and birdwatchers.
Enhance Your Birdwatching Skills
The guide offers detailed and thorough instructions on "How to Observe a Bird," providing practical hints for birdwatchers to improve their birding skills. It's an essential tool for both novice and experienced bird enthusiasts, designed to deepen their understanding and enjoyment of birdwatching.
A Visual Exploration of Australian Birds
With 132 superb full-colour plates, the guide presents all Australian bird species in vivid detail. These are complemented by over 900 black and white line illustrations, enriching the visual experience and aiding in accurate species identification.
Advanced Identification and Insights
The guide includes key points of identification using the latest classification system, enhancing your birdwatching experience with scientific precision. It also features specialised sections on seabird identification by bill, particularly useful for identifying species like albatrosses, petrels, and shearwaters.
Comprehensive Birding Information
Beyond identification, the guide offers habitat descriptions and distribution maps for all species. It includes checklists for Australian Island Territories and provides in-depth information on breeding and breeding cycles. A "Key to Families" section allows for easy comparison and location of bird families.
Resource-Rich for Bird Enthusiasts
This guide is not only about identifying birds but also about connecting with the wider birdwatching community. It includes rare and vagrant bird bulletins, a core library list, easy-to-use indexes, a glossary of avian terms, and a list of birdwatching and naturalist organisations.
At a Glance
> Expert bird observation techniques
> Comprehensive species illustrations and identification tools
> Detailed habitat and distribution information
> Resources for connecting with the birdwatching community
This eighth edition has been revised and updated, including some beautiful new plates.