Embroidery Kit
How do you turn old gold into priceless treasure?
At the turn of the twentieth century, Sigurlina finds herself in a hopeless situation. She is themotherless daughter of an eccentric father, who expects her to spend her life helping himcatalogue Icelandic archaeological artifacts.But Sigurlina has her own ambitions of education and excitement and after a harrowingexperience, takes fate into her own hands. She disappears from Reykjavik, along with a historicalrelic from her father's collection. Through a series of incredible events, the artifact is unveiled atThe Metropolitan Museum of New York. Meanwhile, officials in Iceland launch their owninvestigation into the theft of the artifact.A tragicomic tale about the preservation of cultural treasure, an intriguing perspective on thecoincidences that have determined their place in history and a thrilling and winding story of thehuman fates that underpin it all.
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