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Disloyal: A Memoir
Thisbook almost didn't see the light of day as government officials tried to barits publication. The inside story of the real President Trump, by his former attorneyand personal advisor - the man who helped get him into the Oval Office.
432 Pages
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Disloyal: A Memoir
Thisbook almost didn't see the light of day as government officials tried to barits publication. The inside story of the real President Trump, by his former attorneyand personal advisor - the man who helped get him into the Oval Office.
Once Donald Trump's fiercest surrogate, closest confidant, and staunchestdefender, Michael Cohen knows where the skeletons are buried.This is the most devastating business and political horror story of thecentury. As Trump's lawyer and 'fixer,' Cohen not only witnessed firsthand, butwas also an active participant in the inner workings of Trump's businessempire, political campaign, and presidential administration.
This is a story that you have not read in newspapers, or on social media, orwatched on television. These are accounts that only someone who worked forTrump around the clock for over a decade - not a few months or even a couple ofyears - could know. Cohen describes Trump's racist rants against President BarackObama, Nelson Mandela, and Black and Hispanic people in general, as well as thecruelty, humiliation, and abuse he levelled at family and staff. Whether he'sexposing the fact that Trump engaged in tax fraud by inflating his wealth orelection fraud by rigging polls, or outing Trump's Neanderthal views towardswomen or his hush-money payments to clandestine lovers, Cohen pulls no punches.
He show's Trump's relentless willingness to lie, exaggerate, mislead, ormanipulate. Trump emerges as a man without a soul - a man who courts evangelicalsand then trashes them, panders to the common man, but then rips off smallbusiness owners, a con-man who will do or say absolutely anything to win,regardless of the cost to his family, his associates, or his country.
At the heart of Disloyal, we see how Cohen came under the spell ofhis charismatic Boss and, as a result, lost all sense of his moral compass.
The real real Donald Trump who permeates these pages - the racist, sexist,homophobic, lying, cheating President - will be discussed, written about, andanalyzed for years to come.