Creativity Crisis
Creativity Crisis
In CreativityCrisis Robert Nelson argues that university education is systematicallyuncreative and suggests how this might be changed. Constructive alignment, thecentrepiece of today's university pedagogy, promotes mechanistic thinking andthe anxious gathering of manipulative skills. Learning happens more effectivelywhen students take their study in new directions derived from their intimate,imagined relations with the new material they are encountering. Richly steepedin the history of ideas, from ancient Greece to the present, this bookradically revises the concept of student-centredness, explores the languagethat encourages creativity, and helps teachers cultivate imaginativeenthusiasm. Creativity Crisis is essential reading for those concernedwith the nature and quality of instruction at university level.
'Thisbook is one of a kind. Robert's purpose is to arrive at a creative new vision,where education is less constrained, less instrumentalist, more encouraging andopen to the imagination.' - Professor David Boud, Director, Centre For Research In Assessment AndDigital Learning, Deakin University, Melbourne.