The iconic life story of Brian Epstein, the 'Fifth Beatle', in his own words - and inevitably the story of the making of the Beatles. Featuring a new introduction by Craig Brown (One Two Three Four: The Beatles in Time). WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CRAIG BROWN, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF ONE TWO THREE FOUR Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison may have fronted the Beatles, but behind the stage stood their remarkable manager, Brian Epstein, who took them from a small Liverpool club band to global fame and fortune. Within two years of making their first record, they were the biggest group in the world. What was the secret of his management of the Beatles? How did one man lead a group of rather untidy lads from Liverpool to shake the world of popular music forever? Brian Epstein tells the story of the Beatles' meteoric rise, from the dingy basement club where he first saw them play to New York's Carnegie Hall... and beyond. A Cellarful of Noise is the account of Brian Epstein's extraordinary life: a memoir of a life made in music, and an iconic record of the origins of the Fab Four by the man known as the 'Fifth Beatle'. With a brilliant new introduction by award-winning author Craig Brown (One Two Three Four: The Beatles in Time), and featuring over 30 photographs that offer a glimpse of the Beatles on their way to phenomenal success, A Cellarful of Noise is essential reading for every Beatles fan.