The compelling, inspiring, (often comic) coming-of-age story of Trevor Noah, set during the twilight of apartheid and the tumultuous days of freedom that followed. One of the comedy world's...
Louise Belinda Bellflower lives in Rochester, New York, in 1896. She spends her days playing with her brother, Joe. But Joe gets to ride a bicycle, and Louise Belinda doesn’t. In fact, Joe issues a...
A visual compendium showing the lives of young animals and the myriad ways they survive in the wild Imagine learning to leap, roar, swim, or fly for the first time. Born To Be...
A powerful story of sadness, hope, pride, honour and triumph from the real-life Rocky! Raw, confronting and honest, UFC champion Mark Hunt's inspiring autobiography shows it is possible to defy the...
The fully illustrated story of one of the most successful Australian fashion houses of the last 15 years. Romance Was Born collections are lavish, larger than life, iconic and iconoclastic, and this...
A gorgeous picture book that will inspire girls and boys everywhere to chase their dreams. As a little girl, Cathy Freeman had only had one dream – to win a gold medal at the Olympics. At...
This debut picture book by Nancy Tillman has touched the hearts of readers of all ages, from the youngest readers, to new mothers, to grandparents. A New York Timesand Publishers...
In this life-changing book Blake D Bauer explains why depression, addiction, physical illness, unfulfilling work and relationship problems are caused by years of hiding your true emotions, denying...
A guide to writing a full-length transformational nonfiction book, from an editor with two decades' experience working with authors from all walks of life. This book will light the way-offering a...