From making faces and running races to snapping beans and wearing jeans, Amy Schwatz creates a cosy picture of friendship and love, perfect for Valentine's Day and all year round.
Amy Schwartz, author of 100 Things That Make Me Happy, returns with 100 Things I Love to Do with You. From making faces and running races to snapping beans and wearing jeans, here is a warm picture of a collection of things to do with the one you love.
Amy Schwartz, author of 100 Things That Make Me Happy, returns with 100 Things I Love to Do with You. From making faces and running races to snapping beans and wearing jeans, here is a warm picture of a collection of things to do with the one you love.
From beloved author Amy Schwartz comes a celebration of things to share with the ones you love-now in board book! Amy Schwartz, author-illustrator of Things That Make Me Happy, returns with Things I...
Includes individual activities such as drawing, mazes and anagrams as well as group activities including battleships, hangman and 4-in-a-row, sure to keep children (and adults!) amused for hours
Do What You Love... and the rest will come naturally. Isn't that how the saying goes? In this inspirational gift book, Leigh Standley has not only written the words, but has beautifully illustrated...
The Things I Love About ... series, with its gorgeous artwork and perfectly chosen words, shares simple examples of positive thinking about the everyday situations children experience. Your birthday...
I'm bored' must be the most frightening words in a child's vocabulary, and how to keep kids entertained is something that keeps many of us awake at night. 100 Things to Do Indoors is a...